Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitus-idaea)
Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitus idaea)
A favorite in Scandinavia and Northern Europe, this superb edible evergreen ornamental ground cover has glossy green foliage, showy pink flowers and bright red berries. Berries are tart sweet eaten fresh, and make terrific sauces and jams. They are also very high in vitamin C and used for many health conditions including lowering Cholesterol. Spreading shrubs grow 12-18” depending on variety. Like blueberries, Lingonberries need acidic soil. Partially self-fertile but produce best with 2 for pollination. Zones 3-8.
Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitus-idaea)
Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitus idaea)
A favorite in Scandinavia and Northern Europe, this superb edible evergreen ornamental ground cover has glossy green foliage, showy pink flowers and bright red berries. Berries are tart sweet eaten fresh, and make terrific sauces and jams. They are also very high in vitamin C and used for many health conditions including lowering Cholesterol. Spreading shrubs grow 12-18” depending on variety. Like blueberries, Lingonberries need acidic soil. Partially self-fertile but produce best with 2 for pollination. Zones 3-8.