Hundreds of Local Gardens

Before we had access to land with secure tenure, we designed and built gardens for local residents. The Transform Your Yard program generated revenue that allowed us to build our organization and create 40 jobs for people coming out of San Quentin State Prison. From 2009 to 2021 we offered a fully integrated ecological landscape design and build service and built 650 local gardens, including 180 gardens done for free or sliding scale for transitional housing, senior housing, schools, and community hubs.

Whole System Ecological Design and Build 

Our gardens use permaculture and agroecology design principles to be whole ecological systems. People continue to grow edible and medicinal foods and native plants, raise bees and chickens, compost, use rainwater catchment and greywater systems, and more to build local food resiliency and provide urban ecosystem habitat. Transform Your Yard is currently on pause while we focus on building the aquaponics farm and The Good Table Cafe & Nursery and consider how best to reintegrate it with our new capacities. 

The Impact
Gardens created
Jobs created
Years in operation