Resources for commonly asked questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Below we've collected answers to commonly asked questions. If you still have any questions about specific plants or logistics, please don't hesitate to reach out:

Oakland Nursery - orders@plantingjustice.org

Mother Farm Collection - farmorders@plantingjustice.org

How do you honor sustainability at Planting Justice?

Shipping and Returns

We care about making our nursery as sustainable as we can: from propagation to shipping. The bags and tape that we use in our packaging are both plant-based and industrially compostable. Additionally, we encourage our customers to use the cardboard box that your order arrives in in your garden as mulch!

When will my order ship?
How much is shipping?
Where do you ship?
When during the year and where does Planting Justice ship?
How do you ensure plants are not damaged during extreme seasonal weather conditions?
What if I have an issue with my order?
How can I tell if my tree is alive?
When will my in-store pickup be available?
Can I make a change to my order?
I am going out of town; can you hold my shipment until I get back?
How do you honor sustainability at Planting Justice?

Plant Care

Caring for Plants Before Planting
Long Term Care
Pruning Bushes
Pruning Vines
Acid Loving Plants
Subtropical Plants
Container Growing