Growing our Own

Each year we offer 40+ paid youth internships that provide $17.50/hr, job training, and professional certifications, working with mentors from their communities. Many youth interns face challenges in school and at home such as hunger or houselessness. Our goal is to help them stay in school, work in their communities, and build pathways for access to resources and opportunities.

From Intern to Staff Leader

Interns work in school gardens and on-campus youth education programs, learn about sustainable urban agriculture at our Sobrante Park Nursery and our aquaponics farm, distribute food in their communities, and get professional certifications in food safety and handling as part of our culinary arts track. Itzel went from the high school program to intern to employee and is now an educator with PJ. She’s passionate about food justice because she knows it can make a big difference in her community and impact a lot of people’s lives in so many different ways. Salvador Mateo began his PJ journey during his senior year at Fremont High School in 2010, and is now the organization’s Co-Director and President of the Board of Directors!

The Impact
0 +
Paid internships each year
$ 0 /hr
Recidivism amongst youth interns
    • Planting Justice opened doors for me I never thought possible. In this environment, you’re not a number, you’re a person. You get encouraged to be in leadership positions, to introduce new things to the program. You have a lot of room to grow.

      1. Sol Mercado, Re-entry Coordinator
        Planting Justice since 2020