East Bay Food Justice Comrades
Education, Resources

East Bay Food Justice Comrades

  • Acta Non Verba – Empowering West Oakland community members to meet the immediate and basic need for nutritious food security.
  • Just Food – Just Food works to increase access to fresh, healthy food in NYC and to support the local farms and urban gardens that grow it
  • La Via Campesina – Nous sommes un mouvement international de paysans, de petits et moyens producteurs, de sans terre, de femmes et de jeunes du milieu rural, de peuples indigènes et de travailleurs agricoles
  • Mandela Partners - Mandela Partners was established to fill a gap that was created through deeply rooted inequities in West Oakland. In response, Mandela Partners supported the development of a community-directed plan that respected community members' ability to identify local needs, and uplift community assets.
  • Spiral Gardens Community Food Security Project – Creating healthy sustainable communities by promoting a strong local food system and encouraging productive use of urban soil
  • Urban Tilth – Urban Tilth cultivates agriculture in west Contra Costa County to help our community build a more sustainable, healthy, and just food system
    • I have seen myself in the best, best headspace in my life. I’m not drinking no more. I’m eating healthier. It took me to come here, to be here, to really learn to love myself again.

      1. Otis Spikes, Nursery Manager
        Planting Justice since 2016