Longleaf Perennial Ground Cherry (cold hardy)

Physalis longifolia

Regular price $10.00
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Physalis Longifolia Var. Sugglabrata - Perennial, Sweet, and Abundant

We sourced our seeds originally from the good people at Small Island Seed Co. This species of groundcherry is native to Eastern North America. Unlike the GoldenBerry, Cape Gooseberry and other ground cherries this species is perennial down to zone 4 making it an amazing addition to any food forest in climates with cold winters. The fruits are very sweet and have a delicious flavor. They can be eaten fresh, made into jam, or dried like Raisins.

USDA Organic

Pot Size: 4inch

Plant Size: 5inches +

USDA Hardiness: Zone 4-10+

hardiness zone
4 - 10
latin name
Physalis longifolia